Organic Products

NATUREL Organic Brown Rice
There are a few types of Organic Brown Rice available in the supermarkets for you to pick up. Above is what we usually have at home as my kid only prefers this brand. It is easy to cook with an hour of pre-soaked before cooking it using rice cooker (without adding extra amount of water). The texture of the cooked rice is fluffy, slight chewy and most important it does not have an unpleasant or rough taste when consumed.

If you are not use to eat brown rice on it's own. You could mix it using 1:1 ratio (1 cup white rice + 1 cup brown rice) or 1: 0.5 (1 cup white rice + 1/2 brown rice).

Above are a few types of the Organic Soybeans which I use to make our Homemade Soymilk (recipe #1 using Joyoung Soymilk Maker and recipe #2 using Pebblio Home Appliance). But you could always use any brand of soybean despite of whether they are organic or not. Just for your information, soybeans can be easily found in any local supermarkets or grocery stores under the dried beans sections.

Other than making soymilk beverages, you could use these soybean to make Soup, Tofu, Beancurd and etc to.


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